Club Car 12 Volt Wiring Diagram
12-volt batteries supply useful energy only through a limited range from over 14 volts when fully charged and unrested down to 105 volts in useunder load when lights dim pumps groan and TV pictures get small. All of the components are clearly marked as are the paths for power ground and accessory wiring and locations for all grounds and fuses. Pin On Car Facts Club Car Golf carts have evolved many times since 1975 and although the basic electrical design has stayed close to the same there are small. Club Car 12 Volt Wiring Diagram . E-Z-GO Club Car and Yamaha Golf carts. Club Car recommends a group 70 side-post battery Club Car Part No. It shows the elements of the circuit as simplified forms as well as the power and signal connections between the tools. Using a 36 to 48-volt battery discharge machine. Please reference the wiring diagram. Put in an adaptor and hooked up some tow lights and nothing. GREEN WIRE PIN 11 BLUEWHITE WIRE PIN 12 BROWN WIRE MOTOR Figure 11...